Secret Shopper

Get a pulse on your organization’s social media customer care and see how you stack up to your competitors in response and moderation.

Our Approach

Unlock the mysteries behind your brand’s online customer care performance or get a sneak peek into your competitors! Whether you’re a CEO looking for a reality check on your brand or a CMO wanting competitive insights, Chatterkick’s secret shopper service offers comprehensive evaluations on social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and more.

Shop Your Brand

Tailored for CEOs and leaders who want a genuine, unbiased look into how their brand responds on digital platforms.

Shop Your Competitors

Ideal for both CEOs and marketers, this option provides a deep dive into how your competitors operate, offering strategic insights to sharpen your competitive edge.

Our secret shopper service is priced at
$800 per shop.

The entire evaluation process, including comprehensive reporting, is completed within 2-3 weeks.

Service Breakdown

Multi-Timeslot Shopping: We’ll assess the client on three distinct occasions – covering a regular weekday, weeknight, and weekend. This ensures a comprehensive view of your brand’s performance across varied timeframes.

Platform Coverage: Our evaluation will take place on one selected platform to ensure depth and consistency in feedback. This could be in the comments, mentions, or DM’s.

Evaluation Metrics

📝 Grammar and spelling

💖 Empathy alignment

🤝 Humanizing the customer experience

🔍 Personalization in response

⏳ Response time

🔁 Time to resolution (where applicable)

🎵 Tone of communication

💡 Problem-solving focus

Reporting Highlights

  • Score Spectrum: Every metric will be rated on a scale of 0 to 5, with 5 symbolizing the pinnacle of excellence.
  • Comprehensive Brand Rating: Using the scores from the 16 evaluation metrics, we provide an overall rating:
    • 🅰️ 90-110
    • 🅱️ 80-89
    • … and so forth.
  • Insights and Solutions: Our reports delve into how your brand aligns with industry standards. Plus, we offer creative solutions to replicate positive customer experiences.

More ways to put Chatterkick to work.

Stop asking Google.
Start asking Chatterkick.

Want a nitty-gritty learning opportunity?
Book a one-on-one!

If you’re looking for a tailored talk on how to use a specific platform, connect with your audience, or amplify your voice, our one-on-one training sessions provide a social media hotline with a Chatterkick executive.

Book a Live Brainstorming Session

Need an idea… or 50?

We’ll help you banish your blank screen with a tactical list bursting with image prompts, content ideas, video storyboards, and more.

These ideas are guaranteed to be on-brand and on-target — and we’ll even create a plan to execute them!

Download a creative brainstorming agenda here.