35 Free Rural Midwest Stock Photos

Free Rural Midwest photos that you can actually use anywhere.

You know what the Midwest is? Young and restless. That’s not NOT true. The midwest’s vast space leads to beauty among plains. A local photographer, and one of Chatterkick’s favorite creators, Josh Berendes, captured these moments. And, lucky for us, Josh offered up these photos for FREE to Chatterkick friends, partners, and fans. Read more about Josh and his journey below.

This Content Is A Chatterkick x Josh Berendes Collab

35 Free Photos From The Rural Midwest

  • Barns
  • Small Midwest Town
  • Creek Through Countryside
  • Aerial Field shots
  • Aerial Livestock shots
  • Rural Suburbs
  • Aerial Truck/Tractor work
  • And More

Josh Berendes is a full time content creator residing in Denver, Colorado. He’s worked on feature films, been recognized in international film festivals. and has worked with major brands like EA Sports, Sims, Orvis and Velo News. While many people specialize in one field, Josh loves the challenge of using different approaches to tell stories and create engaging content to help brands reach their audiences. “Honestly, whether it’s making a conservation film while white water rafting at the bottom of a canyon, filming major celebrities, athletes and musicians for EA Sports and having to deliver finished videos within hours of filming, or hiking to a top of a 14er just to get a time-lapse or  fly the drone for fun I love the process of taking a thought, turning it into an idea, and making it a reality.” When Josh isn’t creating you can find him spending his time in the mountains of Colorado, attending concerts, and catching up with friends and family. He’s always down to grab a beer or coffee with people passing through Denver, so if you’re ever in the area feel free to hit him up! Tell him Chatterkick sent ya.

See more of Josh’s work at joshberendes.com.

A preferred Chatterkick Creative Network Partner

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