The online world isn’t slowing down, and neither should you. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting your feet wet, this guide is all about making high-level marketing concepts easy to execute. Let’s break it down, step by step:

Diversify Your Influencers and Tactics

The days of cookie-cutter marketing are long gone. Different audiences live in different corners of the internet, and they each respond to unique styles and messages. To reach them effectively, you’ve got to customize your approach. 

How to Do It: 

  • Identify Niche Communities: 
  • Reddit and TikTok: These platforms are known for their niche communities. For instance, if you’re targeting tech enthusiasts, find influencers who are genuinely respected within that niche—not just anyone with a large following. 
  • Facebook/LinkedIn Groups: Another great place to find niche communities. Many industries have highly engaged groups where professionals share insights, advice, and resources. Joining these groups, participating in discussions, or collaborating with group admins can help you reach a specific B2B audience. 
  • Instagram Broadcast Channels: This is a newer feature but increasingly popular for directly communicating with followers in a more personal and immediate way. It’s particularly effective for engaging a highly targeted audience with content that feels exclusive and relevant. 
  • Tailor Your Content: 
  • Authenticity Matters: Create content that speaks directly to these groups. If your audience values authenticity (and who doesn’t?), opt for raw, unpolished content over highly produced videos. It’s all about being real and relatable. 
  • Platform-Specific Content: Content that works on TikTok might not be as effective in a LinkedIn post or Facebook group. Tailor your messaging and format to fit the platform. For example, a short, engaging video might be perfect for Instagram, while a detailed case study could work better in a LinkedIn article. 

Paul Fino (@Paulreactss) uses Instagram’s Broadcast Channels to create an exclusive space for his followers in “The Girls.” Here, he shares early access, special discounts, and behind-the-scenes updates on his new perfume line, building a tight-knit community and offering value beyond the typical social media experience. This approach not only deepens engagement but also drives brand loyalty by making followers feel like VIP insiders. 

Quick Tip: 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with smaller, micro-influencers who have a strong bond with their followers. They might not have millions of followers, but they’ve got the trust and attention of their community—and that’s gold. This approach is particularly effective in Facebook groups or Instagram Broadcast Channels, where the focus is on building a tight-knit community rather than just broadcasting to a large audience. 

By diversifying your influencers and tactics across platforms like Facebook Groups and Instagram Broadcast Channels, you can more effectively reach your target audience with messages that resonate. 


Lean into Authenticity: Real Voices Win Hearts

People are tired of overly polished, too-perfect content. They crave realness. Think of it as inviting your audience over for a cup of coffee, not a pitch meeting. 

How to Do It: 

  • Tell Real Stories: Share behind-the-scenes content, customer testimonials, or even your brand’s journey. The more relatable, the better. 
  • Engage in Real Conversations: Platforms like Reddit and podcasts are perfect for this. Join in on discussions, answer questions, and provide value without immediately pushing your product. It’s about building relationships first. 

The difference is clear—while the polished influencer post for the Grubhub/Starbucks partnership follows brand guidelines to a T, it’s the raw, unfiltered post of a Starbucks order via Grubhub that truly resonates with the audience. Higher engagement on the unpolished post proves that authenticity wins, as followers connect more with real experiences than scripted endorsements. 


Quick Tip: Start with platforms where raw and real content is celebrated. Reddit, live streams, and podcasts are unique places to showcase your brand’s authentic side.

Master Reddit Threads: Engage, Don’t Advertise

Reddit is a tough nut to crack, but when done right, it’s incredibly rewarding. It’s all about adding value to the conversation, not trying to hijack it. 

How to Do It: 

  • Be a Genuine Participant: Spend time in relevant subreddits before you even think about posting. Understand the culture, the language, and what’s important to that community. 
  • Contribute Value: When you do engage, make sure you’re adding something meaningful to the discussion. Share insights, answer questions, or even offer free resources. 

This post is a great example of how a brand can engage with a community without overtly selling. Beardbrand shared informative content about beard oils, answering user questions in a detailed and helpful manner without pushing their products.  


Quick Tip: Avoid coming across as salesy. Redditors can sniff out inauthenticity from a mile away. Be helpful, not pushy.

Embrace Livestreaming and Podcasting: Build Real Connections

Livestreams and podcasts are where the magic happens—real-time, unscripted, and deeply engaging. These formats allow you to connect with your audience on a personal level. 

How to Do It: 

  • Partner with Creators: Find livestreamers and podcasters whose audience aligns with yours. Collaborate on content that feels natural and provides value. 
  • Host Your Own Sessions: Don’t be afraid to dive in and host your own livestreams or start a podcast. Share insights, interview industry experts, or simply engage with your audience directly. 

Beth and Liv doing a podcast

Through our Generation Social Media podcast and webinars, we share insights and tips while opening up conversations with our audience. It’s a space for real-time engagement, where we discuss what’s working in social media today and listen to the challenges and ideas from our community. 


Quick Tip: Keep it interactive. Livestreams are all about the back-and-forth. Encourage viewers to ask questions and give shoutouts to keep the energy high.

Prioritize Equity and Representation: Be Inclusive

Diversity isn’t just a trend—it’s a necessity. Audiences want to see themselves reflected in the brands they support. If your marketing doesn’t speak to a diverse audience, you’re missing out. 

How to Do It: 

  • Collaborate with Diverse Creators: Partner with influencers and creators who bring different perspectives to the table. Their authenticity will resonate with a broader audience. 
  • Audit Your Content: Take a hard look at your current marketing. Does it reflect a diverse range of voices, faces, and experiences? If not, it’s time to make some changes. Ask yourself and your team, “Who is missing from this conversation?” and figure out why and how to include them. 

A graphic for an event by Sprout Social called

For example, Sprout Social’s The Arboretum  webinar series, where they often dive into topics around diversity, equity, and inclusion in the digital space. These webinars bring together industry experts to discuss how brands can better reflect diverse voices and foster inclusive communities in their marketing efforts. It’s a great example of how companies can prioritize equity and representation in their strategies while engaging in meaningful conversations with their audience. 

Quick Tip: Inclusivity should be genuine, not performative. Make sure your commitment to diversity is reflected in everything you do, from the creators you work with to the messages you send out. 

Remember, it’s not about being everywhere all at once—it’s about being where it matters, with the right message, for the right people. So get out there and experiment! 


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Chatterkick Team

The Chatterkick team is made up of envelope-pushers, big thinkers, brainstormers, and conversation starters. We live and breathe social media advertising and all its analytics and data. We love to create engaged, happy social media communities around businesses, and we are dedicated to creating a glowing brand reputation, culture, and voice for our clients. This blog was brought to you in collaboration with multiple Chatterkick team members.